Friday, December 10, 2010

Honors History Blog #2

Dear Mr. President Obama,

There are many pressures that come with your job, you learn how to handle these issues everyday, something I am sure I would never be able to do. The years that you are and will be now running our country in is a very difficult time, a recession. Not just anyone could do this, so I would please like to share my suggestions on how I would handle and help fix this "rut" our country is in.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt said "But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings." This proves to me that we as a country got to where we are now and only us, The United States of America, can fix our issue. We should not be depending on you alone to fix our problems but we should all as individual countries come up with one idea on how we can all help to stop this recession and restore our country back to the way it was.

I know this is more of an anti federalist approach on a solution, but I feel that if we all put in input we could get more done quicker and more efficiently. This has worked for many other things through out life, just like if you are in a classroom and everyone should come up with an idea you can have more input and help on making the final decision.

This would take more pressure off of you and also make the country feel as if they are apart of the outcome of important issues in our country. If would give you more respect and get more done efficiently.

I know that there are many other issues you are dealing with such as the war, gay marriage, health care, and much more but with the more respect you can get with this solution I feel you will have more help in completing these tasks as well.

Thank you for your time.
Maira Vierheller

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