Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog #20: Fed vs AntiFed Interview Response

Choose an issue from American History that we have discussed in class recently. Write a brief (one to three paragraph) history of the issue and the Federalist vs. Antifederalist issues involved. In this brief history, be sure to cite relevant sources and make specific, clear references to major historical events:

Something that stood out to me while we were discussing certain historical events that changed history, was when Abraham Lincoln assassinated and the switch it caused from a strong federalist run nation to an Antifederalist nation. This caught my attention because it made our government and nation seem weaker, it also proved to me how big of a difference is between these two factions.
When Lincoln was alive the nation ran under more of a federalist view. Lincoln had created a strong central government that had overcome the South’s more Antifederalist views. It seemed as though Lincoln was going to lead a big change in the nation and unify all of the states, until the night he was assassinated.
This change in government made the change from segregation to no segregation took way too long. Segregation finally ended on “April 10, 1968” when the “Civil Rights Bill banned discrimination in housing”. This took (1865- 1968) one hundred and three years too long, and just again proves how different federalism and antifederalism really are.


Choose at least one person not in this class whose opinion you respect. Interview this person to seek their ideas and opinions about the issues inherent in the element of history you have chosen.

Me: What do you know about the switch from Federalism to Antifederalism after Lincoln was assassinated?

Bruce: That the government made a switch from two different presidents with different views, this switch ended up taking too long for us to fix many issues our nation was in.

Me: Which faction do you think was best for the government back in 1865 (Lincolns Death)?

Bruce: I think a more federalist president (like Lincoln) would have been better. It would have allowed the reconstruction of the south to go smoother, they wouldn’t have rebelled as much, and we would have got a lot more done.

Me: Which faction do you think would be suit our government now?

Bruce: I can see both sides and how they both could be good but I still would say federalism would be better. I have always thought that a strong central government will keep people in line, and it also depends on the president and congress that would be running the country.

Me: What do you think about how long it took for segregation to end? (Around 103 years)

Bruce: It was ridiculous, a shame, and horrific it should have never taken that long. And I still think that today there is lingering resentment to what happened back then.

Me: How do you think the government could have handled it better?

Bruce: I think they (all of the presidents through out the 103 years) should have addressed the issue head on and taken care of it immediately. They have made many mistakes just like this, I feel that America hasn’t been unified until the interstate was created. This allowed people to go and travel around the nation, this is an example of how our government has an issue of not addressing things head on and its been holding us back from progress as a nation.

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