Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Twitter Response

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I chose to read the article The Facebook Searchers, this article was interesting to me because I liked the way that the writer David Brooks compared Facebook to Harvard and how he gave many different examples to explain his point. This helped me understand the point of what Brooks was trying to get across, how social networking has changed schools in the 21st century. I found it funny how he compared the social structure to those of "Animal House" and "Revenge of the Nerds" movies. I also liked how Brooks thought that since now they have changed the WASP exception rule that the school will simply be filled with just brainiacs, so now the colleges are also looking for people with many social skills, like those used on Facebook.

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This article was written by Nathan Heller, and he covers points about the movie The Social Network, which was mentioned in the first article and how the social networking site has changed the 21st century and affected many schools, the same point that Brooks was trying to get across.

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