Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Book and Humanities Review

1. Post the stage of life that you will write about and a relevant element of genetic technology that interests you. Feel free to work with Brandon to understand this step.
I was planning on studying Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis in
teenage Years. I would more specifically study the vaccine or anti
inflammatory used to help treat arthritis. Such as these,
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are used to
reduce pain, joint swelling and fevers. They come as pills and
liquids. Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) can
prevent long-term joint damage. They can also relieve pain and
reduce inflammation. They come as pills, liquid and injections and
can take a while to work. Corticosteroids are used to ease symptoms
fast, like when you are having a flare or when you are waiting for
your DMARDs to take full effect. They come as pills, liquid and

Something else I could focus on can be how the vaccine works once it is inside of the body and how it worked to help reduce the pain.

2. Describe at least one relevant government agency that works in this area. Describe the current news related to your topic & this government agency and embed a minimum of one news story (print, tv, audio, etc.) in your description. (At the bottom of the page)

There were a couple programs involved, one of them is NIAMS and another could be the government health care plan or just the branch in general.

Something else I could research more can be what happened to cause this in that percentage of people and/ or how many teenagers deal with this on a day-to-day bases.

3. Describe at least one relevant historical, cultural, economic, geographical, or literary example or concept that relates to your ideas for your article. Include at least two relevant links to evidence and further research in your writing. Strive for detail & evidence in your connections.
Something that is a conflict could be being a part of how arthritis is usually found in adults to older people so the fact the there is an actual disease and how does the family copes with living with a teenager who has arthritis.

Something else that I could research can be how much do all of these procedures cost and how does it affects different families.

4. Please repeat all of the above steps... This time, focus on a different aspect of genetic technology and/or different humanities content.
I put them up under the previous questions.

Videos To Watch:

The Websites I used:
http://www.emedicinehealth.com/juvenile_rheumatoid_arthritis/page2_em.htm T

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