Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life: The Book & American History Response

1. Describe a basic history of American government's role in health care. Be sure to include major ideas such as Medicare, Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, and 21st century health care laws passed under George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
In the early 1900’s many people didn’t own any form of health insurance but by 1958, nearly 75 percent of Americans had some form of private health insurance coverage. Once companies started realizing they could make money off of the insurance they were selling they started to get greedy. Then the AMA (American Medical Association) tried to pass a bill called the Murray-Wagner-Dingell (MWD) bill in 1949. This bill would have provided comprehensive nationalized health insurance to all Americans. The big insurance companies made sure to have this bill not passed. Then they realized that the only way to enact government-sponsored health insurance would be to do so incrementally so they began focusing on the elderly and they created something called Medicare. Focusing on the elderly allowed supporters of this to counter charges that nationalized health insurance would provide health care to individuals who were generally able to pay for it themselves. It was difficult for opponents to argue that the elderly were not among the most medically needy in society, given their fixed incomes and the fact that they were generally in poorer health and in greater need of medical care. This allowed Medicare to become part of the insurance system. The way that Social Security affects people is that it creates a set of rules that all medical personals must follow and can use upon you. It states that any health care practitioner and any other person, including a hospital or other health care facility, organization, or agency who provides health care services will be provided economically and only when, and to the extent, medically necessary; will be of a quality which meets professionally recognized standards of health care; and will be supported by evidence of medical necessity and quality in such form and fashion and at such time as may reasonably be required by a reviewing peer review organization in the exercise of its duties and responsibilities. These laws affect the way that hospitals and any medical care must treat a patient and how they can treat you. And the way that the Civil Right affects us is how we again by law must be treated as patients and the limit that the companies are allowed to treat us too. For one example a bill was signed in 1945, which authorized Federal agencies to provide minor medical and dental services to employees. This has changed and helped many people but the way that the companies still make money off of us is by taking that payment out of your paycheck. And finally the way that Bush and Obama have both changed the health care plans and how they have affected us. One example of how Bush has affect the Health care system has been how the Republican plan would repeal the health-care law passed this year and replaces it with longstanding Republican priorities. Such as controlling medical-malpractice costs, expanding health-savings accounts and allowing people to buy insurance policies across state lines. It would provide health coverage to those Americans who are most costly to insure by expanding high-risk pools and reinsurance programs. While Obama has changed it by signing the Health Care reform act which has changed the entire way the health care system works. For example The Affordable Care act gives Americans new rights and benefits, including helping more children get health coverage, ending lifetime and most annual limits on care, and giving patients access to recommend preventive services without cost-sharing. Overall all of these things affect us and the way that our government, and health care system affects our everyday lives.

2. Describe a basic history of American government's role in scientific innovation.
America’s scientific innovation has really helped us over the years. How the government funds our scientists allows our amazing scientific fields to excel and make more and other scientists want to come to America and join our group of scientists. One main example is how the scientists helped us win World War two, Einstein came to America from Germany warning us about nuclear power and thus creating the Manhattan Project. Our government helped fund this project that has changed the world today, as we know it. Over time this has showed many times and times again that our strong scientific field of research has changed the world.

3. Describe how Americans pay for health care and the government's role in this process.
There are many different ways that people can pay for health care; one main way is through your job. In many companies if a person works full time there the company pays for the persons health insurance. This will help finance many people but the bad thing is that many employers will cut back peoples hours to make them not full time employees and thus not be forced to play for their insurance. The other way that people pay for it is out of their pocket, this will offer lead to bankruptcy and force many on the streets. Then one more way to pay for insurance is through the military, the military get almost free insurance and health coverage for them and their families. So overall your health care usually depends on your job and how the government rewards it.

4. Describe the types of health care problems Americans face, and the government's role in seeking solutions.
One main problem that America faces is the amount of people that can’t pay for insurance. America has the largest amount of citizens living in it with no health insurance in the world. One way that the government is trying to fix this is by the Affordable Care act which gives Americans new rights and benefits, including helping more children get health coverage, ending lifetime and most annual limits on care, and giving patients access to recommend preventive services without cost-sharing. This is one new law that Obama is using to try and help fix our corrupt Health Care system.

1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
A compelling character to me is someone that has a firm goal or belief that you can relate to and that doesn’t give up to get his or her point across or heard. An example of a character to me that did this was Francis Collins, he didn’t let what people thought of him stop him from getting to his dream. This helped him become the leader of the NIH and change the way grants are given to people among other things. Another thing I found that was compelling to me was if the character goes through something traumatic and you can see how it affects them and how they are reacting to it now. An example of this would be the little six year old girl that has arthritis and how she is dealing with the disease.

2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
A specific example of an interesting plot to me was how in the article Darwin’s Surprise it starts off with a conflict and what it is, then it takes you along the journey of many different interesting scientists and their view on the issue. This helped keep your focus and ideas jumping around, it also helped me think of the opposing side and view on it and had me asking many questions.

3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
Well some things I found that helped me understand what was going on during The Covenant was how they had the original names and then provided an example of it after wards. This helped me see what it was in affect and it helped me visualize it, which helped me understand the story overall.

4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
Well some steps I found that helped me connect were where the authors helped develop the character and what they were like before something happened to them. An example would be Francis Collins from The Covenant, the author made sure to explain his home life and how he was a practicing Christian growing up on a farm. When they did this it helped me realize who this man was and what he truly was like and not just his appearance and the judgment of him from others.

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