Monday, September 13, 2010

Questions About Our Writing...

1. What aspect of the American Icons artist statement has been most successful for you? Why?
The most successful part of my writing for me is my first paragraph. I think it was successful because I tried something new and decided to start the story out with an anecdote about Dan Eldon's death. By doing this I expanded my writing technique and my story.

2. What writing tip(s) have been the most helpful? Why?
Going back and going over all of my sentences individually. Also when we read "The New Yorker" magazines, those were great examples for me and helped inspire my first paragraph. They also helped show me what I want my writing to strive to become.


3. What aspect of the artist statement has been most challenging? Why?
What has been most challenging for me while writing my artist statement has been trying to get the point I want across in as little words as possible. I have a lot of thoughts and all of them mean something to me so when I write them down on paper of mine its always been difficult to try and simplify them.

4. What writing tip is most challenging? Why?
Well one the hardest tips was "Concerts not Pancakes" because my ending paragraph was hardest for me to end strong with. I was also struggling with leaving the reader thinking about what is next or about my writing and who Dan Eldon is.


5. Post a section of your writing that you are currently working on. List at least three questions that, if answered, would help you improve your work.

Sample Of Writing (Last Paragraph):
Learning about this war has changed my life I am always trying to help stop this war as many ways as I can, even if it is just telling someone about it. I feel that Dan Eldon has changed my life. As his inspired continuum does and will for years to come.

1) How does this leave the reader thinking about your icon or what your icon stood for?
2) What else have you done to help inform people about the war?
3) How else will his continuum live on?

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