Thursday, September 16, 2010

Final Artist Statement and Picture

Changing the World One Story at a Time
By Maira Vierheller
On July 12th 1993, four journalists were killed. The young journalists raced across Mogadishu, Africa to cover the bombing of what was thought to be General Aideed’s headquarters. The U.N. forces bombed the house but Aideed was not there, instead nearly 90 men, women and children were killed in the bombing. When the journalists were taking pictures of the aftermath, a horrible event took place. All four men were beaten, clubbed and stoned to death by an angry mob; furious about the death of their friends, fathers, and brothers at the hands of U.S. and U.N. soldiers. One of the massacred men was named Dan Eldon.
When Dan Eldon was just seven years old he moved to Africa with his family. Eldon loved joining his mother, a journalist in Kenya at the time, as she was assigned to stories in the local area. He witnessed and experienced firsthand the events of the war and corrupt government. Soon Eldon was taking pictures, with his mom and they were used in the local newspapers. This was when Eldon decicded that he wanted to make a career out of journalism and use it to help better the world.
Eldon had said “The journey is the destination.” This helped me realize that no matter how big my dream is; I can achieve it. If I try and succeed long enough and have passion behind what I’m doing, I can do anything. He also taught me that no matter what your age is you can help out in your own way. He made me realize that everyone can make a difference, no matter what you are doing or how old you are.
Dan Eldon was also was a huge inspiration for one of my favorite companies and charities, Invisible Children. The two creators Jason Russell and Laren Poole went to Africa to create a movie and came back with the truth. Dan Eldon was the one to inspire them to create this company and tell the world about the horrible events taking place in Africa. After some time Invisible Children made the decision to raise awareness to a younger audience, that’s when they decided to go to different schools. This is when they came to High Tech High Media Arts, and where I first learned about the company and cause.
Learning about this war changed my life; I am always trying to help in as many ways as I can, even if it is telling someone about it. It helped me become more involved in a community and try to help make a change in the world. I feel that Dan Eldon and his story have changed my life. He has made me think about living in the moment and never letting anything hold you back. He has changed the world as his inspired continuum does and will for years to come.

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