Thursday, March 17, 2011

Semester Two: Blog Seven

Throughout the 1700’s racism was normal and part of everyday lives. But like anything in life it has slowly faded down to almost death. Racism was a big part of any one persons life, it was just naturally thought the one race was more superior to the other for generations. This idea of superiority had been living strong until people started to question this “superior” idea. They started cutting it down and re-examining what had made the white race so much better. I mean everyone has red blood and breathes the same air and has the same body structure so why is one color of skin so much better than the other? People started wondering the same thing and finally did something about it in 1861 by starting a Civil War. This is when the idea of racism fought strongly against the idea of all men are created equal.

The idea of racism poorly lost and has been pushed down ever since the end of the war and has dying ever since. But like everything in life when one thing dies something else must replace it. And now in the 20th century there is another idea and another that is strongly contradicting it. That idea is same sex marriage. There are two strong sides that are either fighting to have same sex marriage and to not have same sex marriage. Both of these ideas are strong and fighting against each other, one is sexist and the other is for equality. This reminds me very much so of the racism and a less violent form of the civil war. So hopefully soon the idea against same sex marriage will die as well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Semester Two: Blog 6

1.) "Experience starts the learning process. I will talk about my main experiences and why they are important to learn from. Tips to help someone remember that all mistakes create the process of learning."

The first pitch I found interesting was Shoshannah's, I thought this will turn out to be a great article because I think learning through someone's learning process and the main experiences they went through about their internship would be fun and different. This would help the reader relate to the article and feel like they are going through it with them.

2.) "Communication in the Work Place"

The second pitch I chose was Brandi's, I think explaining your article through communication between all the employees would be a great way to write an article. This stood out to me because my internship was very social and I think a article written from the employees conversations and what they are really thinking and saying would be a very interesting and intriguing article.

3.) "Answer a key question, Build off of that, Answer at the end with cumulative ideas"

The third pitch I picked was Jeff's, I chose his pitch because I think that an article that was all based off of one driving question would keep the read wanting more and would make the article very interesting.