Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome Back to School Response

1. Please outline your hopes for your upcoming junior year. What are your overall hopes, dreams, wishes and goals for the year?

Some of my goals and dreams this year mainly consist of me growing as a student and person. I want to try and raise my goals and try honors classes. I also would like to expand my knowledge, writing skills and much more.

2. Let's get a little more specific. Tell us about what you hope to accomplish or learn from your experiences in this Humanities class.

Well to expand on what I was saying before, this year I would love to be able to find something I can connect to within each project. Because last year I found that whenever I was able to be passionate about my work and not only care about the grade I was able to do my best and put the most work possible into the project. Another thing I would like to do is become more consistent with trying my best on all of my work and projects.

3. What is something that you do in your life that naturally try to do well (Are you seriously good at video games? cooking? Are you an athlete?)? How do you naturally develop this talent within yourself?

Something in my everyday life that I try to do my best in is my dance classes. No matter what my day was like I will go to my dance class and give it my best. Dance has always been an escape for me to release all of my stress so when I'm dancing I always try and give it my best and I'm always trying to improve. I don't try to improve my dancing so I can be one of the best in the class I try and improve it for me.